CHUA HAN NEE D20102042213 EL-J05
Skills(integration of skills) :
1.2.2 Listen to and repeat correctly phrases and expressions with the correct stress and
2.5.1 Give details about the people of a story heard or read.
3.7.3 Talk about values.
3.8.3 Read and obtain meaning of words and phrases for contextual clues.
Previous knowledge : Pupils have read fairy tales or fables.
Key words :granted, horrible, fairy, appeared, turned into, golden, wish.
Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to
1. Listen to a story and talk about the main ideas and details heard.
2. Read and talk about the characters of people and moral value of the
story heard, read and viewed in simple language.
3. Read and obtain meaning of words and phrases for contextual clues.
4. Read and rearrange the sentences to form the story.
Thinking skills : Arranging words and sequencing the sentences in the correct order.
Multiple intelligence : Interpersonal, intelligence
Values and citizenship : Moderation, gratitude
Educational emphases : ICT skills, Thinking skills
Step 1-Pre Reading -15 min
1.The teacher shows realia of gold jewellery (e.g earrings, bangle and bracelet) and asks the pupils to guess what are they made of.
2. The teacher writes the word “ Gold “ on the board.
3. The teacher elicits values of gold.
4. The teacher shows pupils a video clip and asks pupils to listen to the dialogue carefully.
Step 2 - While Reading – 25 min